It’s been forever since my last update and since Daddy’s strokes everyone is asking about the kids so I figured it’s about time to do an update.
Caden is 5 and is getting so big, he’s not my little skinny boy anymore. He’s got a new interest now…BUGS. There is a show on tv called Monster Bug Wars so he’s all into that now. He’s constantly outside finding bugs and trying to get them to fight. He’s learned all sorts of stuff from that show so we’re always asked questions like, “Who do you think would win…a sunburst raspy cricket or a leaf tailed mantis?” Since I have NO CLUE what those are…I usually just guess. I know a cricket and a mantis but I don’t know the fancy smancy stuff. Right now we have an escaped caterpillar wondering somewhere in our kitchen…I’d escape too because Caden hasn’t mastered the art of gently holding the bugs. We’ve had lots of bug deaths lately. Lol
Now on to Bailey…she’s been seizure free for 4 months now! Her new nickname is the pink tornado because she leaves a path of destruction wherever she goes. Not counting her normal knock or pull everything off of any surface that she can reach or climb to, here are some of her most recent shenanigans –
- Pulled cords on her brothers tv which knocked down the dvd player and luckily we got there before she pulled hard enough to knock the tv down
- In .5 seconds she had gotten an orange out of a bag on the counter and consumed practically the whole thing on the kitchen floor (pics)
- Fell into the tub when she was trying to climb in (empty)
- Fell into the christmas ornament box (pic)
- Walked out of our room holding a large glass candle that had been lit…still don’t know how she even got to it
- Got into my mom’s cat’s food and smeared it all over her, the floor and everything in reach…it was soft cat food too…
- Has figured out how to flip herself (pic)
- Has opened the oven door (it’s hard to do too!) – not on
- Just last night walked into mom’s room, knocked over the lamp and started to pick up glass as I’m running in the room
She is a wild woman! I know it sounds like we never watch her but we’re scared to even let her out of our sight and she still manages to get into everything.
She has also mastered the art of the temper tantrum and she’s pretty convincing too. She even does the stomp along with her screams. I’ve got a pic of her throwing a fit when her Lin Lin was leaving and she was not happy about it! She so funny though because if you copy her and fake cry she’ll smile and start laughing like, “oh man…you’re on to me!”
Caden trying out a 4-wheeler at Bass pro |
Caden on his bug hunt with Pappaw. This was the weekend before the stroke. |
Being silly at Chuck-E-Cheese |
On the roller coaster simulation ride...he loved it! |
Playing soccer |
With Nora at his birthday party |
At Christmas |
After Bailey's jello smashcake at our house |
At Bailey's birthday lunch, she really wanted to smash that piece too! |
Trying to flip |
Orange...what orange?? |
The pictures just don't do it justice, it was EVERYWHERE |
Miss priss posing |
"I'M SO MAD!!!!" |
Chasing the boys after Caden's soccer game |
oops! |
Hmmm....which one to tear up first?? |
Checking our her new ride |
I’m not gonna say much about Daddy because I’m having a really hard time with it, but please continue to pray for his recovery. I miss talking to him and Caden and Bailey miss hanging out with their Pappaw. I've never used this slideshow so I hope it will show the pics in the blog and not take you to another site. Poor Bailey, you can tell she's the second kid because I don't have as many pics of her. Love,Becca